Expertise > IT Consulting

We use technology to transform the business of our clients

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IT Consulting

Accelerate change and realise the benefits of technology today. We bring expertise and solutions to build technology lifestyle in your organisation: from assessment, requirement study, ideation and prototype as well as project management.

Our consulting team is made up of brilliant minds with rich and diverse expertise, knowledge and experience.


  • You are required to establish controls and deliver project within deadline and budget.

  • You are looking for advice on how to manage a project to meet your business strategy.

  • You are looking for specialist and innovative team for an assignment.

  • You want to develop tools and templates to support projects.

  • You want to ensure project deliver and achieve process + performance improvement.

  • Your project is being endangered by uncertainties, risks and other restrictions.


  • Based on the recent research (the CSC Index/AMA Survey), there are about 41% of change projects fail - and, of the 59% that 'succeed', however, only half meet the expectations of senior management.

Project management office

We come in as an independent adviser to help our clients to drive projects – organise and assess project as well as meeting milestones, deadlines, cost limits, specifications within the budget.

Our scope of work covers: -

  • Advising on vendor management and monitoring activities

  • Advising on IT portfolio management

  • Performing IT-relevant assessments (business process review, IT maturity assessment)

  • Providing an objective, independent view of your projects

  • Providing project management office (“PMO”) expertise

Business review and technology implementation

Performance of your existing IT infrastructure could be draining your profit due to obsolesce, relevance, change in business process or business model. There is constant pressure for IT to perform and be cost effective.

We review the business and IT performance, conduct assessments and requirement study and provide practical advice to you on how to improve your IT effectiveness by using a combination of technology and methodology and enhance your current business capability.

Thereafter, we support your organisation over wide range of projects: IT transformation, process change – through new governance structure, performance measurement, training and education, developing policies and standards, managing the interface between business and IT.