Corporate Information > Policies And Principal

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Policies And Principles

Aspired to be a leading technology company, it is our responsibility to foster a positive business and working culture of trust and respect across the entire Techvus network.

Our policies and principles are embedded in our business processes and the way we work – the Techvus Responsible Business Practice.

Techvus Responsible Business Practice with Our Clients

We have policies and standard procedures to govern our relationships with you, the way we do business and protect your information. We uphold the principles of confidentiality where all our contractors and employees are required to enter into non-disclosure agreement and pledge to manage data secure and protect its data from cyber security attacks.

While the development of digital environment, artificial intelligence, automation and innovation might outpace legislation, in Techvus, our utmost interest is to equip our clients and business partners with commitments which go beyond legal obligations, consisting: -

  • Compliance to non-disclosure and data protection policies

  • Compliance to competition, bribery and corruption laws

  • Commitment in cyber security and data protection techniques

  • Monitors quality, compliance, data protection and security in an appropriate and comprehensive manner

  • Sponsored regular trainings and reviews to be undertaken at each business units of the Group

  • Strong information security management program to ensure a compliance structure

Techvus Responsible Business Practice with Our Employees, Vendors and Contractors

Techvus Group do not tolerate non-compliance to law and unfair treatment such as discrimination or harassment. All parties within the Group commit to continuously support the development of a fair-minded work environment.

The operation of Techvus Group commits to uphold the universal values of human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity.

Amongst others, our principles include equal treatment, health and safety at the workplace, fair remuneration and balanced working time.

Our Principles in Business Dealings

We conduct our business in open, honest and transparent manner, embedding responsible and sustainable business practices into the way we work with clients, our teammates and the way we run our business.