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Techvus team's Christmas message

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Techvus team's Christmas message

We hope everyone is looking forward to the coming holidays, to take some rest and to spend time with friends, families and loved ones.

While we celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of another, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and those who have helped to shape our business. This year - we have made significant progress in particular inclusion of the Kollaborate Global unit.

Techvus Group wishes everyone in our community - our team members, customers, vendors and fellow stakeholders - a season of joy and we looking forward to continued success in 2019.

We wish to reiterate that the coming year 2019 is set to be a busy and important year to us as we are particularly looking forward to the development and launching of new SaaS platform which will be open for subscription to our enterprise customers.

May your holidays be filled with joy and laughter through the New Year.

May He renew our strengths and work in the coming year.

With warm regards and many thanks,

Techvus Group