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Welcoming The 5G Revolution

20 DECEMBER 2018
Reading time : 4 minutes
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Welcoming The 5G Revolution

5G is the next generation wireless technology. The question today - are you ready to work at up to 1 gigabit per second (Gbps)?

What is 5G?

5G is the fifth generation of mobile network standards set by the International Telecommunication Union, although it is also used more loosely as a marketing term.

Technology suppliers are already demonstrating systems that can work at 4 Gbps, and 5G technologies aim to increase this further. 5G will also feature much decreased latency times - the delay between sending a signal and getting a response - of just a few milliseconds.

What 5G enables is the ability to deliver high network availability, high bandwidth and low latency delay times to the edge of networks - i.e., mobile devices and sensors - in a way that we have not been able to do to date. Such evolution could be viewed as a revolution from railways to airplanes.

How fast is 5G?

For the bits of data transmitting through a network, 5G is nearly 100 times faster than 4G. Communication and experience are near instant.

5G could up the digital economy?

5G speed and its technology when achieved will deliver exponential change. Organisations due to see the first 5G network equipment in year 2019 and the first mobile device for commercial sale in year 2020. The change that occur very near to current time.

Consumers will enjoy faster Internet speed through mobile devices and immersive digital experience. 5G also leads to greater yield for enterprise market.

5G could contribute to the advancement of Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Industrial Revolution 4.0 such as connected factories, logistics, transportation, workforces and agriculture. 5G offers the opportunity to secure the Internet-enabled products – where equipment and sensors will be able to communicate directly and making decisions independently of humans.

In public sectors, 5G capabilities could enable broad concepts such as smart cities, digital government and other improvement in the aspect of public health, public safety, security and national defence. Imagine a 5G powered drones flying overhead to provide ground intelligence or supporting incident control for any accident and natural disaster.

Are you ready for autonomous driving vehicles and smart home powered by 5G? There will be vast opportunities to connect on a new level, to deploy high-tech products we could once only dream about to unlock countless new sources of value.

In terms of live broadcast experience, we could experience live sport game from the athlete’s perspective through multiple viewing angles – in crisp quality with virtually no delay.

The ability of 5G is going to have a massive impact in the future. We acknowledge societies that lead the introduction of 5G technology will have the opportunity to lead the digital economy.

Those days

Back then in the 1980s era and early 1990s, the world was fairly content with 2G mobile technologies. Voice calls and SMS messaging services allowed humans to achieve that first level of communication — sharing needs and important information. By the year 2008, the Internet was seeping into the far corners of the world and the information age was in full swing. By connecting us to each other via the web, 3G and 4G networks empowered the world to share ideas and views.

If you only thought about telegrams at the turn of the 19th century, you would never have predicted the value of telephones.